Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Great Commandment and Great Commission

Recapping last blog, the invitation or call to worship is literally "Come follow Me to Me."  The blessing is Jesus, Himself.  The result is "He will make us fishers of men."  When it's all of Him in all of me, I will be a fisher of men.  So it is a call to worship before work.  This dovetails with The Great Commandment and Commission.
The Great Commandment in Mark 12:30-31 says, "Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength."  Worship is all about loving God with all that we are.   The Great Commission in Matt. 28:19-20, states, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing . . . and teaching them to obey."  The commission is summed up in loving people.
The Great Commission is the fruit of The Great Commandment.  Neither trumps the other.  They are in essence one command.  Evidence of this is Jesus' following the great commandment with, "the second is this, love your neighbor as yourself."  It is impossible to be a God Worshipper and not be a missionary.  True worship results in missions.  However, "Missions is not the goal - worship is.  You can't neglect worship and expect to be truly fruitful in missions.  It's impossible.  Worship is the fuel of missions.  The road to missions is paved with worship," states Gary Wright.  More in our next blog. mjm
