Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Presence of God in Worship

When the people of God gather for worship, the purpose should be to recognize the presence of God.  We gather as the redeemed and agree that "God is here".  If worship is dead, it is because of a lack of true recognition of God's presence. Singing is just singing and preaching is just noise and all of it a waste of our time if it is not flowing from the recognition of God's presence.  The church can gather and merely hang out doing meaningless ritual or we can gather in true recognition of God's presence.
Tozer wrote, "If you do not know the presence of God in your office, your factory, your home, then God is not in the church when you attend."  Also Tozer, who had a passion for worship, states, "If you major on knowing God and cultivate a sense of His presence in your daily life and 'practice the presence of God' daily seeking to know the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures, you will go a long way in serving your generation for God.  No man has any right to die until he has served his generation." 
Bottom line, if we don't actively acknowledge the presence of God daily and attend to personal private worship, we will probably not experience the presence of God when the body gathers.  Let's do all we can do to pray and prepare for worship that engages the presence of our Lord.  Psalm 89:15-"Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord." mjm

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