When we go back to the beginning of time as we know it . . . "In the beginning . . .", we begin to see the wonderful story of God unfold. In that story we see the unveiling of God's plan for redemption - - and God's plan to come to dwell with man. In the first two chapters of God's Word, God reveals His first revelation to us: His desire for relationship with man. That relationship, we will learn, is to be realized through worship.
Even after we see in chapter three the first worship wars and comprehend the results of those conflicts on all of us, God is still seeking to dwell with man, even after sin, disgrace, and death. In fact following in chapters 4-6, God again makes His desire known by His revelation of Himself to Abraham and Moses. What is the response of these two servants to God's revelation...every time? WORSHIP!
We grew up singing hymns and songs that tell us that we love Him because He first loved us. God takes the initiative constantly to have relationship with us. All we need do is to be faithful to respond in worship! More of the unfolding of "His story" next time. mjm