Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Worship Across "His Story"

We find in the books of history in the Old Testament the kings modeling worship which  informs our worship.  David's personal and intimate worship brought God near and God's presence was David's life-long guide as he ruled the kingdom.  David worshipped even as a fugitive during some dark years and penned Psalms, giving us a glimpse of the provision, protection, and power of God.
David not only loved the person of God, but the Word of God.  David proclaimed his total dependence and commitment to the principles and teachings of the Lord.  David lived in the Word and what was his response?  Worship.
Did he sin and disobey?  Yes, but God forgave the worshipping king.  The once adulterous king conquered sin and his foes because of unadulterated worship.  David praised and worshipped as an example in front of the whole kingdom and they followed his lead.  God came near because of David's uninhibited worship.  David only cared what God thought.  So he sang and praised his heart out and danced with no shame before the Lord.  And, God brought power and peace.  Do you want the peace and power of God in your life?  Then no matter your circumstances or your detractors, worship Him with all you are and with all you have, reserving nothing.  mjm