Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Join to Sing!

As we begin the new year, a word about "singing unto the Lord."  I've not said a lot directly about singing and music in this blog up till now.  Since creation, song, both vocal and instrumental, has had a huge part in worship of the God of the universe.  We see it throughout the Old Testament and reaffirmed in the New.  We see in Joshua 6 how music was involved in the walls of the city coming down and God's people claiming victory.  But, did the music bring down the walls?  No, as the people blew their trumpets in obedience to God, He knocked down the walls.  It is God and God alone who accomplishes His work.  Does He move mightily through music?  Yes, at His will and in His timing.  God's business is to bring new and greater or no music.  All we are responsible for is obedience.
Now, some of you are saying,  "Oh good, I don't have to sing."  Careful now, you hear.  We are COMMANDED to "sing unto the Lord" and leave the glory up to Him.  And, nowhere in scripture does it say, "Sing, unless you don't have a pleasant voice."  Maybe that's why God says, "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord" -  to accommodate those who think they are not singers.  Just the word "sing" in all it's tenses is used over 300 times in God's Word.  Must be important to Him.  So, as we begin a new year, may we, the people of God, "Join to Sing", as an outpouring of our passionate worship to lift our song to the One who is Author and Finisher, Alpha and Omega, Sin-bearer, Redeemer and Lord!  In doing so, we acknowledge our need for Him to lead us through this coming new year to His new and greater glory!  mjm