To cherish something or someone is "to hold dear; treat with affection and care; to keep deeply in mind." It is the combining of the two terms, love and enjoy. When you cherish something you both love and enjoy it. You actually can love something without enjoying it, and you can enjoy something without loving it. There are few things in life that we both love and enjoy. One of my own examples of this which helps me understand the concept is grandchildren. I cherish my grandchildren. I love them and enjoy them. I want to hold them close and treasure them.
Authentic worship is cherishing God. It is the act of both loving Him and enjoying Him. In both the private and public setting, it is more than just talking about Him or singing about Him and what He has done. It is cherishing what and who He is. It is taking hold and enjoying His very Person and Presence. In Deuteronomy 28:45-47, God warned the Israelites of curses and destruction if they did not obey Him... serving Him with joyfulness and gladness of heart! The act of truly cherishing God is missing in so many churches today. We are committed to many things, and even God, but rarely do we truly cherish God. We need to love and enjoy Him for all He is or all we do will be in vain. mjm