Sunday, March 27, 2011

Worship and the Cross

The life and work of Jesus is linked over and over with worship.  In His earthly ministry He taught of the importance of worship both by example and command.  Even His death on the cross was teaching the meaning and significance of worship.
Psalm 22 is an important prophetic look at the crucifixion.  It is the psalm quoted by Jesus on the cross, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" The psalm tells of several different prophecies involved in the crucifixion.  In v.v. 22-23 we see to what end Christ died - that He might be glorified and all would stand in awe of Him!  What is our right response to His death on our behalf?  Praise, glory, a holy awe.  In v.v. 25-27 it culminates in . . . all the families of the nations will worship before Thee.  Worship is the essence of the work of the cross.  It is our response to the saving death and life of Christ.  It becomes the heartfelt expression of true worship.  
An afterthought . . . we not only see worship in the work of the cross but we see forgiveness taught by Christ in a way that no other can teach.  It was so appropriate that today we celebrated our forgiveness in Christ in worship and were taught by the Word about forgiveness being expressed in our own lives.  mjm