Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Worship and Redemption

In Matt. 4:10 when Satan tempts Jesus, Christ quotes Deut. 6:13: "You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only."  Worship is not an option.  Redemption is the very foundation of worship.  We see in Luke 19:10 and John 4:23 that the Father and Son purposed to redeem us that we may become worshipers. Therefore, the purpose of redemption is making worshipers.  We were not redeemed just so we could escape hell or have benefits.  Even though we are blessed; blessings were not the purpose of our redemption.  The motive for our redemption was not so we could receive anything.  The objective was that God would receive worship - so that our lives would glorify Him.  Blessings for us is a divine response to fulfilling that main purpose.
Throughout the whole of God's Word we find this basic truth confirmed over and over, that God's primary activity has always been seeking out true worshipers.  All of history will consummate in heaven and our sole purpose will be to worship God rightly forever and ever.   To be concerned mainly with what we receive or "blessings" is a shallow salvation experience that becomes very self-centered.  It seems Jesus rebukes such an attitude in Matt. 6:3 when He says, "But seek ye first His Kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you." Saved to worship! mjm