Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Day of the Lord

In the Word there are many references  to the day of the Lord.  Many times it refers to either the first coming or the second coming of Jesus.  But it can refer to any time God comes to His people either in salvation or judgement.  The day of the Lord also refers to the day of worship.  And, we see both salvation and judgement sometimes involved even in our day of worship.
Amos predicted that the day of the Lord would be different than what people might expect.  Some of the people of his day thought there would be joy and singing, and even though that could be at times, we see Amos saying that there would also be grieving and judgement. When Jesus came the first time, it caught many by surprise.  Because they were expecting Him to come in a different way, many didn't recognize Him.
The final day of the Lord will be at the second coming of Christ.  In the mean time, there will be times when God will come to you, your family and your friends.  As we see God at work in both ourselves and others, we realize again that the day of the Lord is at hand.  As God does His special work in ours and others lives, we need to be sensitive and intercede as God does His work among us.  May we be always preparing and praying for the day of the Lord in our lives and in our worship, and therefore experience His presence and power mightily at work glorifying His name.  mjm