Saturday, December 24, 2011

Impromptu Worship and Praise

Mary was completely overwhelmed by God's goodness when she broke into spontaneous praise and worship of the Lord . . . "My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior."(Luke 1: 46-47)  A person who knows God and is experiencing Him intimately will sing to the Lord in deepest praise even as Mary did.  Mary gave one of the most beautiful songs of praise found in scripture.  Our Lord created us for praise and it will be our occupation as we gather around the throne in heaven.  
We should never have any problem having reason to praise.  When we remember all that God has given us beginning with our redemption thru Jesus Christ, our response will be praise.  Our praise according to Scripture should be both private and public in our worship.  When we consider the boundless love and mercy of our Lord, you will want to sing His praises as Mary did.  Impromptu praise is real and authentic.    This kind of praise doesn't have to be manipulated or orchestrated.  This kind of praise is our own expression of a thankful heart and an awe-filled life that has encountered the living, holy God.  How we need to learn unprompted praise.  If we praise on a consistent basis, our whole attitude and altitude will change.  Let us praise Him now and forever - God with us!  mjm