Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Preparing for God's Presence

If we want to see the powerful presence of God, then we have to prepare for it.  The prophet Isaiah is quoted in Luke 3:4,6 "Prepare the way of the Lord;  Make His paths straight . . . And all flesh shall see the salvation of God."  We see John the Baptist in (Matt. 3:2) telling people to prepare the way . . . "for the kingdom is at hand."  Those who heard his message and prepared their lives recognized Jesus when He came.  Preparation always precedes God's presence!  I have said this many times to the worship leading choir in our church.  We must prepare spiritually and musically if we want to experience and see others experience the presence of the Lord.
What is the first step in preparation according to John?  Repentance.  That is the beginning of our spiritual preparation.  When Jesus came, the religious leaders of the day were not prepared and preferred their religious rituals over coming to join Him.
If we are not prepared, we will miss experiencing Jesus in worship, both private and public worship.  We can practice "religion" and still miss God.  While others encounter the living God personally, our hearts can remain unmoved if we don't prepare.  If we don't prepare, others will receive a fresh word from God while we experience a painful silence.  Religious activity can never be a substitute for a heart that is pure before Him in worship.  
Preparation had to be made for His first coming.  Preparation has to be made for His presence in our worship.  And, preparation has to be made for the next time He comes in splender and glory?  Are you prepared for God's presence now and then?  mjm