I am going to re-visit a subject I touched on a couple of years ago as Fran's mom is now with the Lord. We are able to get little glimpses of Heaven in the book of Revelation. Mom's object of worship all the years of her life as an accompanist and singer she now finds is with her for eternity and every possible need is completely satisfied in Him.
In Rev. 4 & 5 we see that God values the organization of praise and worship in Heaven. Order is indicated and in Rev. 4:8-11 and 5:11-14, we see that worship is for all the people and that again, He is the all in all of the worship. She sang for years that He was her all in all. Now she is experiencing it.
In Rev. 5:9-10 and 14:2-3, we see there is congregational singing in Heaven. In fact we will sing the song of redemption and the angels will just have to listen. In Rev. 15: 3-4 we are told we will sing the Victory Song. The congregation certainly sang the song of redemption and the victory song, "Victory in Jesus", in Mom's service yesterday. They almost lifted the roof off. Mom has seen the last of the enemy and is experiencing perfect worship in a perfect environment. I'll guarantee you she is shouting - Hallelujah!
Rev. 19:6-9 shows us the Hallelujah Chorus of Heaven. A multitude will gather, a choir from all nations and those in Christ qualify for the eternal Chorus. Beth, Mom, Mammaw - sing on. It will not be long 'till we will be joining you around the throne for perfect worship! mjm