Authentic worshippers are built together with other worshippers. The admonition from scripture as to our doing all we can do to build up one another in the faith has to do with our building up and edifying one another as worshippers. We see phrases throughout scripture such as . . . "remind each new generation . . . must be observed from generation to generation . . . throughout generations to come . . . the generations to come . . . generation to generation and celebrated by every family . . . I will bring honor to your name in every generation." On and on it goes reminding us of the responsibility we have to make sure our worship is Body worship and Intergenerational - building up every generation into worshippers.
When I was in Zimbabwe, Africa as a music missionary it was almost impossible to be in the midst of a congregation of people worshipping and see even one person not participating wholeheartedly. With our responsibility to edify one another and to pass on by modeling from generation to generation, it quite frankly puzzles me how there are so many in our congregations here who do not participate at all, much less with a whole-heart expression.
Have we become too sophisticated in our culture to do as Scripture indicates? Or, have we become apathetic about the teachings of our Lord? Or, are we just tuned out to what God is trying to do among us? This is one reason why I request and ask worship choir members and worship leadership as well as our worshipping prayer warriors to constantly pray not only for our worship services, but also for the worship life of each and every member of our church.
It seems sometimes that we know the expressions of worship and even the importance of a lifestyle of worship. But we need to also build worshippers together to become a community of worshippers. Scripture shows us the importance of togetherness in the life of the church. Peter and Paul both use the phrase "built together" to describe how God wants us to become a community of worshippers. The whole idea of the kingdom of priests implies to us the importance of a community of worshippers. When Jesus prayed that we would become unified as one, just like He and the Father, He was saying that the Father's love had to be demonstrated--not just explained. In John 17:23, Jesus prayed, "May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." Literally for Christ's sake, may we build one another old and young, different approaches, different tastes, different backgrounds . . . all into true, authentic worshippers; Intergenerational, Intercultural, and yes, International. mjm