Saturday, August 4, 2012

Worship Ministry Theme 2012

The new banner seen on this blog reveals our worship ministry focus for this year.  iworship, Intergenerational, Intercultural, and International.
We continue to see that the priority of our lives and the church, according to scripture, is worship.  We need to remember that worship is much more than music.  Music is simply a tool to assist us in our worship of Him.  Our worship simply put is putting Him first in every part of our lives and putting Him first in the church.  The three areas of emphasis for us as the body this year are indicated in the theme.
Intergenerational - We have discussed some about this already and will do more during this year.  According to Scripture, the worship of the body is for all generations and it is indicated in scripture that every generation inspires and informs our worship together.  Side by side, every age and generation is to worship the Lord of Lords together.
Intercultural - The world has come to us.  In our worship we need to branch out and include other cultural expressions in our worship.  Again, we can learn from other cultures and other worship practices and expand our worship expression in our worship of Him.  Music is one of those ways where we can branch out to other cultural expressions.  Many of the most used modern worship and new expressions are coming from different countries and cultures from all over the world.  Again, this is Biblical with a variety of expression indicated by scripture.
International - "all peoples", "all nations", "every people group", . . . are all phrases we see tied to worship in scripture.  We are to reach out to all peoples and invite them to worship the King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords!  Our worship is faulty and not authentic if it fails to lead us to reach outside ourselves and outside the walls of the church and shout to all,  "Come and Worship!"  
May we be intentional this coming year with iworship, - Intergenerational - Intercultural - International.