Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Pivot from Old to New . . . Testament

The Pivot from the Old Testament to the New Testament is well described in the book of Hebrews.  I am not qualified to get into the different interpretive approaches to Hebrews, but there are some observations I see in relation to worship.  It seems the writer of Hebrews understood the OT from a Christ-centric view - recognizing Christ Jesus as the fulfillment of all the redemptive promises of the OT. (Heb. 10:11-18).  The purpose of the book seems to be to demonstrate the superiority of Jesus and His new covenant over Moses.  The writer affirms Christianity as the consummation of the Mosaic covenant.  
Examples are: The priesthood of Melchizedek (Aaron and Levi) apparently correspond to the priesthood of Jesus (Heb. 4-7).  The Mosaic covenant of the OT corresponds to the better covenant of Jesus Christ in the NT.  The sanctuary of the Mosaic covenant (the tabernacle and temple) give way to the greater and perfect sanctuary, not made with hands, of the new covenant (Heb. 9:1-23) and the sacrificial worship of the Mosaic covenant corresponds to Christ's offering of His body as the single sacrifice for all time, beginning the new covenant (Heb. 9:23-10:18).  
An appreciation and understanding of the Old Testament as the promise Jesus Christ fulfilled permits the enrichment of worship by drawing attention to God's sovereignty and grace; His redemptive plan accomplished in the lives of many different OT characters throughout history.   He reveals that plan to humanity through Israel, and Jesus Christ as the ultimate and final Word from God (Heb. 1:1-4).  So, even as the Israelites sacrificed the Passover lamb prior to the exodus from Egypt (Exod. 12:21) Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed for us (I Cor. 5:7, John 1:14, 18,29).
Two principles for worship today:

1.  Every time we meet for worship, we remember and rehearse the fact of redemption.
2.  Our worship is to always be centered in Christ Jesus, our Lord!
     Our worship is Christ-centric! mjm