Today is Ash Wednesday on the Christian Calendar. This is celebrated from a Christian tradition as opposed to Biblical imperative. More importantly it begins the 40 days leading to the celebration of the Resurrection, Easter. Again, some of the Christian faiths observe these 40 days as Lent. Southern Baptists historically do not observe or celebrate these events, but there are individual Southern Baptist Churches today who do. Interestingly enough there seem to be between 30 and 40 different denominations who observe or celebrate these days. If you saw or see someone on Ash Wednesday with a black cross on their forehead, there are some churches who put the cross from ash on their foreheads in observance of Ash Wednesday - signifying their need of repentance. This tradition has been going on since somewhere between the 8th and 10th century.
As I said, this is not a Biblical requirement. As believers we are free to observe it or not. But in our own personal worship leading up to Easter, it is good for us to remember what God said to Adam after he had sinned, "You are dust, and to dust you shall return."(Gen. 3:19) So it is well for us to remember the bad news of our sinfulness, preparing us to receive afresh the good news of forgiveness in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
This season affords us an opportunity to freely confess our imperfections. Because we all stand guilty before a Holy God and are mortal, expecting to experience bodily death at some point, we all need a Savior. However remembering these things should not bring on depression or gloom but an eternal gratitude for the saving life of Christ, and a new spiritual energy and passion for living in Him!
The season helps us look at death so that we can cherish life even more! Blessings in your personal worship over these next 40 days. mjm