Sunday, March 30, 2014

Worship Unaware

When the people of God gather together to "honor and praise" the Lord together we experience God's glory.  God's glory includes all the praise and adoration of the saints together.  The people of God praise Him verbally through both public and private worship.  Also, the people of God proclaim His glory through their lives by how they demonstrate God's character and power through their daily comings and goings.  However, we are often unaware that this praise and adoration is not only demonstrated to the physical world as we know it, but also to the unseen spiritual world.  We glorify God in both realms, even though we are unaware of all that is taking place in the spiritual world.

I have often said to the worship choir, "If we could see the spiritual world we would be amazed at how our praise and adoration is joined by all of creation."  This includes the whole of the physical universe as well as the spiritual realm.  Psalm 19 describes the praise of the physical world.  We see in this Psalm that all of the unknown universe is surrounded by and exists within the praise of God.  In Isaiah 6 the prophet witnesses the truths that God is being praised by the hosts of heaven continuously, and that all of the earth is full of the glory of God.  In Revelation we are reminded that the four living creatures surround the very throne of God "day and night,"  never ceasing the praises to the Lord God Almighty.  

We can be assured that at all times God's praises are being proclaimed by His saints throughout the whole earth, by all of creation, and by the heavenly hosts.  Whenever we think of praise and God's glory, we must always be aware that His glory includes all of these praising Him and His being lifted up.  So, let's join creation and the heavenly hosts in constant worship and be aware, not unaware, of His glory!  mjm