Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Axis of Worship

There is a pivot or turning point in worship at the Last Supper.  By His death Jesus completes His sacrifice for sin and guarantees by His resurrection that His death would set us free from the power of sin and secure for us eternal life everlasting.  The beginning of Christianity begins with these events but the pivot or axis of the faith was the last supper.  Therefore, it was the turning point of worship.

At the Last Supper Jesus explains the meaning of the Passover sacrifice and ushered in the new covenant.  All the accounts of the Last Supper show us that Jesus was totally in charge of not only the Passover meal but also what it stood for and just how it was going to work out.

Jesus used the Passover to explain His death of sacrifice.  He transformed that Last Supper into the Holy Communion or Lord's Supper as we know it today.  It would now be a passionate celebration of communion with God through Jesus' sacrifice.  The Lord's Supper grew out of the very meaning of the Passover, but it is not the Passover.  It is the new axis of the worship of God.  It changed worship forever.   mjm