Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Confessions of Holy Week

We have already celebrated Palm Sunday.  As we came and worshipped the Lord Jesus on that day, we had to confess that there are parallels in our own lives to that of the people in Jerusalem on that day.  Some of those folks in Jerusalem went with the crowd - one day shouting, "Hosanna, Blessed be the Name of the Lord!" Later in the week some of the same joined with the crowd shouting, "Crucify Him!"  Sometimes we are a lot like that crowd.  One day we are welcoming and celebrating His presence in our lives; another day we are grumbling about the demands of discipleship, of following Him with all that we are.  Sometimes we accept the message; other times we resist.  Too many times we shape our faith and commitment around convenience.  

Then we come to that time with a heavy heart as we gather for a painful remembrance of Jesus' last night.  Just as some of His disciples we have a desire to follow Christ wholly, but often our faith lives are weak in acknowledging Him when we are in the throws of the deep challenges of life.  So we come to the table that in a real sense Christ Himself prepared for us.  We come to remember how our Lord Jesus gave His body for the complete remission of all our sin.  And we remember that His blood was shed for the complete forgiveness of our sins.  In these moments of worship we reflect on the Crucifixion within our minds and hearts so that we might see His wounded, outstretched arms of love.  And then on Good Friday the shadows of our sin are lifted and He drives home the redeeming goodness of Friday.  Our response should be the last phrase of "When I Survey" - "Love so amazing, so Divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all!"

Holy Week brings the depths of sorrow and pain together in the same week with the greatest of celebrations!  The collective Body of Christ joining with the hosts of heaven shouting and singing - the grave could not hold Him, He's Alive - Hallelujah!  We go from the depths of sorrow and repentance to the greatest joy of all time in one week's time.  And in the doing of that, we proclaim the gospel again!  mjm