Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tribute to our Pastor

Steve Swofford has served our church for the last 25 years.  I also served with him before in another church, for a total of about 30 years in the two.  In fact, he and I turned 30 together, 40 together, 50 together and yes, 60 together.  My family had a stint on the mission field between those two churches.  The one thing that we have always been able to count on is that when he stepped into the pulpit we were going to hear a Word from above. As long as I have known him, Steve has been very serious about breaking the bread of life before the people of God.  

Steve has always known that for the people of God to have an encounter with the Word of God meant they would have an encounter with the God of the Word.  It is the "breathings" of Almighty God.  As we have said in this blog before, "Worship is a dialogue - God speaks - we respond."  When we allow the power of Scripture, it cuts loose to impact our lives and we are change forever.  When Heaven touches earth, sparks fly.

The faithfulness of our Pastor to preach the Word means that we are soaked in Scripture, which will impact our lives as we seek to be obedient. He is faithful to deliver.  We must be faithful to obey.   When that happens we are the church that God meant us to be, as he has led us to be a church with a heart for missions.  Praise the Lord! To God be the Glory, with congratulations to Steve for the long and faithful preaching of God's Word and ministry among us! mjm