We have been remembering this week what our Lord went through during His last week on earth. We remembered in Palm Sunday services and in the Lord's Supper service, and tomorrow we will remember, re-tell, reckon and rehearse the resurrection. The beauty of it is that we do this every Lord's Day. We remember, re-tell, reckon and rehearse the facts of and the fact that we are enabled by the Holy Spirit to live the resurrected life in Christ Jesus, because of what happened on the third day after His sacrifice for us.
He delivered us from the chains of sin and satan, just as He burst forth from the grave. When God brings deliverance it is supernatural in scope. One of the most important exercises of our walk with Him is the reckoning of what God has already done. In the Old Testament He would say to the ancient followers of God, "Remember the crossing of the Red Sea . . ." He wanted them to remember, re-tell, rehearse and reckon the truth of what kind of God He was.
In the New Testament Paul says, "Remember it is God who raised Jesus from the dead . . . " We are being challenged to reckon the resurrected power of God active in our everyday walk with Him! If I need to know what God can do, all I have to do is look how He made a way through the sea and that the power of the resurrected Lord is the very power for my life and walk. The resurrection makes all the difference in our lives. Hallelujah! He's alive . . . in me and in you. mjm