God and worship of God is all about relationship. I read a couple of quotes this week that I want to share and comment on and around.
First was from Leonard Sweet - "We need the courage of . . . a right relationship with the Creator . . . God is a mystery, not a master's thesis. We have much to learn about the truth of God that is revealed only through relationship."
The very fact that God created man in His own image proves that God is about relationship. He wanted to relate to someone just like Him and wanted that someone to worship Him perfectly. Of course with the fall the impulse to pursue God was still within man, but in our sin we lack the power to know Him. When we repent and begin to seek Him He has promised we will find Him. God then initiates a purposeful, individual relationship with us. And, it is what he wanted from the beginning. In our response to His call to relationship with Him in worship, we are fulfilling the very purpose for which we were created. In order to truly know God in worship we must have a growing relationship with Him.
Another quote was from A.W. Tozer - "A piano is made with a specific purpose: to produce music. However, I happen to know that someone once stood on a piano in order to put a fastener of some kind in the ceiling. Some artistic women have used piano tops as family picture galleries. I have seen piano tops that were cluttered filing cabinets or wide library shelves. There is an intelligent design in the creation of a piano. The manufacturer did not announce: 'This is a good piano. It has at least 19 uses!' No, the designer had only one thought in mind: 'This piano will have the purpose and potential of sounding forth beautiful music!'"
Very much like the piano, we were designed to sound forth "beautiful music" to God in praise and glory of His name. Our worship is always music to His ears as that was His original desire for man. As stated in the Westminster catechism . . . "to glorify God and enjoy Him forever is the chief end of man." The only way that can happen is for us to commit ourselves to lifelong relationship-building with God Himself. mjm