Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Remembering and Worship

In Isaiah 63:11 it says, "Then they remembered the old days," . . . and it goes back through the history of what God had done through His servant Moses and continues recalling the history of the nation of Israel related to God's dealings with them and His faithfulness to them, even when they were not responding in kind. 

I believe that America has failed to remember and it is affecting everything we are doing as a nation.  We have failed to remember and teach our youth to remember that though our forefathers were not perfect, they sought the Lord, His providence, and built the idea of this nation on Judeo-Christian, Biblical principles. We have allowed some to even re-write all of that out of the history books.  Does this affect worship?  Of course it does.  Fewer and fewer join together to worship the God of our Fathers who led them to establish "one nation under God".  Fewer worship Him as the one true God!

As I have said previously, when we gather to worship, we gather to remember all God is and all He has done.  We recall, rehearse, and reiterate it as we gather together.  In Jeremiah 9:23-24, God gives us a message that we would do well to take to heart as we celebrate our nation's birth, 

"Don't let the wise brag of their wisdom.
Don't let heroes brag of their exploits.
Don't let the rich brag of their riches.
If you brag, brag of this and this only:
I'm GOD, and I act in loyal love."

May we approach America's birthday with a sense of remembering...praying that we will give God His deserved place in our history and our worship! mjm