Sunday, July 13, 2014

Beyond the Encounter

In the last blog I emphasized that our focus when we gather together is to encounter our living God and His manifest presence with us.  And it is the focus, but not the end of what happens when we worship.  What happens when we worship?  God is given His place on the throne!  Psalm 22:3 shows us the principle that God enthrones Himself in our praises.  There is more than the intimacy of His presence in worship.

The dictionary defines "throne"  as a chair or seat occupied by a sovereign or exalted personage. It is the office or dignity of a sovereign.  It is a seat of authority.  It is from this place that laws, proclamations, and commissions are given.  It is the place where sovereigns do business.  This word "enthroned" is from the Hebrew word yashah which has the meaning of sitting as a judge.  David understood that God chooses the atmosphere of our praises to take up His throne of authority.  God brings both "intimacy" and "authority" to our worship.  In Psalm 149:6 God shows us that He wants us to not only have the high praises of God in our mouths, but also a two-edged sword in our hands.  We have a part in His authority through our worship as well as releasing our hearts in praise and adoration to Him.  In a very real way, when we praise we are enforcing His will.  King David showed us that God brings us into His throne room by bringing His throne into our praises.

God enthrones Himself on our passionate praises so He can rule and reign, accomplishing His kingdom purposes.  Praise changes the environment of warfare around us.  Praise breaks us out of the dry and wilderness times of our lives by allowing God to do His business in our lives and in our world. Lord, give us a better understanding that our worship involves both intimacy and enthronement (authority).  mjm