Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fresh Encounter

Many have failed to see worship as an "encounter with the Living God".  But to encounter the manifest presence of the Lord in our worship should be our focus every time we gather.  It isn't about music.  It isn't about becoming "contemporary".  It isn't about cultural awareness.  It isn't about  being on the "in", "cool", "hip" or "with it".  It isn't about misty-eyed emotionalism.  It isn't our own cooked up "theology" of worship.  

It is about the forming of hearts of worship in the very presence of God.  It is about nurturing and shaping disciples who know Him because they are spending time with Him.  It is about the transforming power and work of the Holy Spirit that happens when pure worship occurs.  And, yes, it is preparation for the final battle.

In a world being shaken to the foundation both nationally and internationally, we need to remember that God is at work - seeking to glorify Christ in the midst of and through the living Church.  He is calling us to search out and grasp a real understanding of worship, and open ourselves to the grace that releases the power of worship in our lives.

God is not so much interested in what we are, as He is in what we are becoming.  Our worship should always be transformational.  True, authentic, pure worship will transform our lives more and more into the glory of Jesus. We should be becoming . . . more and more like Him!  We can not consistently have a fresh encounter with Him and that not be so.  Wait before Him . . . and worship Him! mjm