Prayer is absolutely central to the worship-leading ministry of our worship choir. Choir members need to pray for one another and enlist others to pray for the ministry of the worship choir and the worship in our church. There is a difference between prayers for the physical and prayers for the spiritual. Unfortunately we usually spend more time and effort on prayers for physical needs rather than prayer for spiritual needs.
Here are some hints from Scripture of how we can pray for spiritual needs. In Ephesians 1:18-19 we see that our prayers should result in the choir gaining greater wisdom and power. It is paramount that as the choir leads in worship we have an understanding of the greatness of God's power, the very power that raised Christ from the dead. Chapter 3 of Ephesians shows us that our prayers can result in inner strength, a better knowledge of Christ's love becoming complete with all the fulness of life and power that comes from our Lord.
Then in Philippians 1 we are challenged to pray that our love will overflow more and continue to grow in spiritual discernment and understanding, praying that we will live lives of righteous character. I Thessalonians 3 tells us to pray that the Lord will make our love for one another and for all people grow into overflowing. Second Thessalonians 3 goes on to instruct us to pray for a full understanding and expression of God's love and patient endurance that comes from Christ. Finally for this discussion, we should pray for one another and our worship choir that He might equip us with all we need to accomplish His will, and through the power of Christ produce that which is pleasing to Him.
We need prayer warriors both inside and outside the choir because there is great power in prayer. If we are faithful to pray we will see a great rise in the presence and power of God evident in our worship. mjm