As we have looked at Psalm 40, part of which is the basis for our worship theme for the year, we have seen - The King's Pit, The King's Cry, The King's Patience, The King's Rescue and The King's Song. In verse 4 we find the King's Joy! "Oh the joys of those who trust the Lord, who have no confidence in the proud or in those who
worship idols." (Psalm 40:4)
Once delivered and given a new song, a simple single-minded confidence in God is the sure way to true joy. A person may be as poor as Lazarus, as hated as Mordecai, as sick as Hezekiah, or as lonely as Elijah, but as long as he keeps his confidence and faith in God outward afflictions cannot keep him from true joy.
Also, there is to be no confidence in the proud. The proud are those who expect people to bow down and worship them in their deceptions, worldliness, and pleasure seeking. Our Lord was ever the truth and the lover of truth. The father of lies, deception, and idolatries had no part in Him. We must never pay homage to false teachers, time robbers, or those who live for worldly pleasures.
Judged by this verse "happy" persons could be the reverse of joyful persons. They put their trust and confidence in the purse, place in the world and wealth establishment. They allow pleasure and circumstances to establish their happiness. Joy is not "happeness". The King's Joy is wholly found in Him, with a single-eyed confidence in Him no matter what is around us in the world. It is in that Joy that we worship the one true God, as opposed to worshipping the idols of this world. mjm