Well, so far in Psalm 40 we have seen - The King's Pit, The King's Cry, The King's Patience, The King's Rescue and in verse 3 we see The King's Song and the King's Influence.
Verse 3 says, "He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear (see what He has done and be amazed) and put their trust in the Lord."
We are literally commanded to "sing this new song" some nine times in Scripture. The "new song" is the song of the redeemed. It is the song of Jesus. He is the "new song". New song indicates a new beginning, a radical change from what came before. Out of deliverance we sing the new song. It is a song of praise. And praise is from a source meaning "to be clear". It is not the confusing sound of the Israelites as Moses came down off the mountain and they were worshipping other gods. It is a clear sound of praise for the one true God. Everything God touches becomes new and glorious.
There are three reasons for this new song in our mouths. First, because God heard our prayers; second because God, through the power of the blood of the Lamb, brings us out of the pit of our sin and depravity. And thirdly because God, by His Word, strengthens our faith in the great Rock: Jesus Christ our Lord.
When God puts this new song in our mouths, His purpose is not just our benefit but also the benefit of others through us. Our song is not the stopping place of the mercy of God. God desires that we sing others into the kingdom. How?
Many will see and fear and put their trust in God. What do they see? They see people who, contrary to human nature, are humble in times of distress, who never lose hope and bank completely on God. They see something real, genuine, authentic that rings true in the human heart. When the world sees our hope in Him by the grace of God many will make that final move and trust in the Lord. The song of the rescued saints points others to Him for salvation! We are to be faithful in singing the new song of grace with that shimmering hope and praise seen in our eyes, on our faces, and from our hearts! So, that's the King's song and influence. mjm