I am asked about this on a fairly regular basis as some think it is inappropriate in worship and others state Biblical mandate. In the church today clapping is almost used as much as singing. Psalm 47:1 of course is the most used mandate that people quote - "O, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph!" In certain church groups these days even though you find this mandate there would be discomfort with both clapping and shouting. Unfortunately that is probably because as human beings do, it has been misused as much as it has been Biblically practiced.
As we respond appropriately to the majesty and greatness of our God, all that He has done and the blessing of His power and presence among us, with our worship comes those times when applause brings us into a greater dimension of praise as God reveals His glory and presence among us. On the flip side clapping at the wrong time can be disorderly, meaningless, or redundant. And, if it is mindless as a habit it has no authentic meaning for worship among the gathered people of God. In that passage we might see that usually clapping goes hand in hand with verbalized praise. But it needs to be done in worship in an orderly fashion and during appropriate times. There are times when our choir has presented a powerful expression of praise when it is very appropriate for the congregation to respond in applause. I have to admit that there have been times where we sang something contemplative and heart searching and even convicting when I felt the applause was mindless, without attention to what had just been sung. Quite frankly, in those moments I sometimes cringe.
As with singing and praying our applause needs to be used with understanding. There are Biblical principles of the use of applause. There is the declaration of victory and joy! "Making a joyful noise unto the Lord." The Bible affirms in many places triumphs in praise. In our own human experience clapping is used in a celebration of victory and spontaneous expression of delight. When we see that Christ has won the victory, how can we not respond?
It is also an expression of welcoming approval or affirmation. In the Old Testament we see where a King on the occasion of his coronation is clapped for by the people. In the same kind of way why would we not affirm the Kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ, welcoming royalty into our midst as we worship Him, giving Him His rightful place of rule in our lives?
Just as we shake hands in agreement, in the culture of ancient Israel they struck hands to indicate agreement or the sign of a covenant. In a sense when clapping hands we are confirming our covenant with God's promises and our preparedness to appropriate the truth reflected in His word.
Finally, in a real sense the clapping of hands can be a weapon of spiritual warfare. Satan and his demons can not stand the praise of Jehovah God. As seen in Scripture clapping is an enhancement and extension of our praise to God! Let's give God a hand of praise in orderly fashion at the appropriate times. mjm