Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Ultimate in Worship

Christ is central and the ultimate in worship.  Hebrews ascribes that Jesus Himself, His worship, His honor and praise become the pure essence of everything we think, plan and prepare for when we do worship. Whether we are leading or following in the act of worship, His glory and honor must be our supreme objective.  All worship flows from the fountain of revelation found in Christ Jesus. When the Holy Spirit takes us into the Word and to the Savior, through our worship we magnify His name so that others are drawn to Him as we lift Him up. Then, worship's glorious purpose comes into fruition.

This is the reason it is so important to we keep ourselves filled with His Word.  From that place the Holy Spirit overflows our spirits with Christ, renewing our minds in truth, taking hold of our thoughts with His perfect love and bringing control over our lives by His Kingdom rule and presence.  And, that is what illuminates and animates our worship.

Our perspective of His place in worship is shaped by the seven statements found in the first three verses of Hebrews.  He is:
  • appointed the heir of all things (v.2)
  • the way in which the world was created (v.2)
  • the radiance of God's glory (v.3)
  • the exact imprint of God's nature (v.3)
  • the upholder of the universe by His power (v.3)
  • the Savior from sin and Redeemer of sinful man (v.3)
  • the exalted Lord - His majesty on high (v.3)
This is the One to whom we bring our praise, adoration and thanksgiving!  This is the One whose love and grace spurs our rejoicing!  Our Creator God is the glorious One who gave us this Jesus. And His appointed Comforter, the Holy Spirit, overflows our lives with enabling power, giving us the inclination to glorify Him - Jesus, the Lord! 

Let our anthems, hands, hearts, and voices be raised in genuine worship of the ultimate in worship! mjm