Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Worship . . . "Here We Go"!

"But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep."  
(I Cor. 15:20). We sang a song in worship today, "The End of the Beginning".  It reminded me that because we know the end of the beginning it changes everything, including our worship.  And then, in our last service one of our choir member's children (out of the mouths of babes) timed right at the grand pause at the end of the "Hallelujah Chorus" right out loud said, "here we go."  It was great.  Because it's true, when we live in the power of the resurrected Lord, get ready, here we go!  

Everything hinges on the resurrection of our Lord.  Without resurrection we might as well give everything up.  But because of the resurrection from the dead all heaven breaks loose in our lives and in our worship.  Earlier in this passage Paul lets us know that all preaching and worship is ludicrous, pointless, meaningless, and worthless "if Christ has not been raised."  In fact everything we understand about God hinges on God's follow-through of His promise to raise Jesus.  All of the promises of God to His covenant people culminate in His fulfillment of this promise.  Without it our faith has no foundation, our worship has no purpose, and our worship has no "presence".  

Because of the resurrection of Christ Jesus every Sunday is Easter as we celebrate the joyous reason we worship - the resurrection!  We can know as we worship that God welcomes us into this story, this hope, this forgiveness, this new life, this resurrection, this joy!  In our celebrating Easter may we be eager to share with the world - He's Alive!  That is a game changer in our lives and in our worship!
And by the way, the fact that He arose is not the end.  This Resurrected - Victorious King of Kings and Lord of Lords is coming again!  Here We Go!  Hallelujah!  mjm