Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Attract and Please vs. Honor

It is very easy in worship and church music today to fall into the trap of attracting and pleasing, rather than the honor and glory of God.  The worst possible thing a church can do is to choose music and worship forms according to the taste of their youth and children when their tastes are not yet Biblically understood and formed.  

When you look around today you see many churches who have sacrificed their identity in an attempt to please certain people.  The church is called to be set apart to be an alternative community in our world.  If they are taught, young people can enjoy and identify with a wide range of music.  And more importantly, youth who love to sing in worship are usually the children of parents who sing and worship in joy and gladness - with passion.  

Youth and children should be taught by their parents and congregation why some of the older members value certain songs and yes, even hymns.  They need to be taught why our worship contributes to keeping our focus on God and nurturing us in His ways as individuals and as the body.  As a part of their discipleship we also should encourage them to bring to our worship planners new music that accomplishes the goals we have mentioned.  

We must be vigilant about finding what is appropriate for our mission and goals as a church, bringing young and old together as a community.  Constantly keeping in the forefront music and worship that will appropriately nurture us on both individual and corporate levels must be consistent.  May we pray together - "Lord, worthy of our worship, forgive our using worship to attract or please, rather than simply to honor and glorify you."  Amen.  mjm