Believers are notorious for trying to separate the vertical and horizontal dimensions of worship. But, it is clearly not Biblical to do so. The linkage between the two is clearly shown by Paul in his letters. We cannot do a thorough study of Rom. 12:1-2, Ephesians 3:10-11, Col. 3:16, and Eph. 5:19 just for a few and not see that God-ordained ministry of praise and prayer and edification are very intimately linked in the New Testament. Paul transforms definitions of worship to include the work of Christ, the preaching of the Gospel and new life discipleship of believers.
We don't just "go" to church to worship God. Believers are meant to worship God in every sphere of our lives. When our worship works itself out in our response to God's grace we realize that our ministry to others is our service or self-giving to God. It becomes God's work in the midst of our lives. Prayer and praise are our faith responses to the gospel - edifying the congregation - not for self edification. And we cannot effectively give and receive ministries to one another apart from our meeting and engaging God.
Service and ministry exercised in love amongst the people of God and the world has to be an outworking of the Spirit's transforming power because we have been with Him! All of it is our significant way of worshipping and glorifying Him. Paul clearly says to us that the "vertical" and "horizontal" should not be artificially separated. One part of the gathering of God's people cannot be "worship time" (prayer and praise) and another part "edification time" (preaching and teaching) because both activities culminate in the same place.
When God ministers to us and we respond to Him we end up ministering to one another in the gathering of the church for worship. Prayer and praise is not an end to itself and preaching, teaching, and ministry are not an end to themselves. We worship God because of Who He is, and in response to His grace towards us. The edification of the church is an extension and culmination of our devotion and service. They are divinely linked. mjm