Yes, that's the title of an old song by the Gaithers. But it highlights a great Biblical truth. Throughout the whole of scripture we see this truth told and demonstrated. The People of God have always been a singing people. Robert Ingersoll, the famous atheist, left clear instructions that there would be no singing at his funeral. To him the heavenly throne was empty and without hope - why would we want song? John Wesley said, "Beware of singing as if you were half-dead or half-asleep. Lift up your voices with strength. Be no more afraid of your voice now, or more ashamed of its being heard, than when you sang the songs of Satan." And then of course there is the old hymn that says, "Let those refuse to sing who never knew our God."
Some people say that they just don't like to sing, or that they don't want others to hear them sing. The problem with that kind of reasoning is that the person isn't singing for the people surrounding him in the pews. He should be singing for the glory and pleasure of God. David Jeremiah says "the joyfulness of the joyful noise isn't determined by the social evaluation of your instrument, but by the divine evaluation of your heart."
We need to be reminded that Jesus is the song. He is the "new song" spoken of in scripture. He is the song of our hearts and our lives. It is in redemption and hope in Him that we are commanded over and over "to sing the new song." We are given much to sing about. We sing because of His Word and Spirit indwelling us. There seems to be implication for singing because of the rich diversity of our individual experiences, as well as the diversity of our different experiences from one another. Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs implicate that diversity of response to God's wondrous grace.
God's song is a special way for divine blessing, comfort, and strength. Even in the depths of suffering, we are able to turn our hearts to the Song God has placed there. Someday we'll stand before the throne singing and proclaiming praises to the King of Kings with an excellence and eloquence never dreamed of. But, we must not wait. God has given us a song here in the earthly realm; a preview. . . a foretaste of glory divine! mjm