In past blogs we discussed two passages of scripture that I would refer back to today. One is Isaiah 6 and the other is Mark 12: 30-31. In the Isaiah passage we see that when we engage and have a vision of God our ultimate response is: "Here am I Lord, send Me." And in the Great Commandment found in Mark 12, we see that Jesus says, "We are to love the Lord with all our heart and love our neighbor as ourself." He indicates they have to go together; it is not an either or, but both and.
Worship is a part of the Christian life that cannot be separated from other spiritual disciplines. Worship helps us connect or engage Christ and equips us for ministry. Virtually nothing will be accomplished in our lives in the name of a God we have not experienced. Authentic worship allows us to experience God at a deeper level and when that happens, personal and corporate mission will always be one of the results. Real worship will change the worshipper and changed worshippers will change the world.
If we truly worship as a church, we will join the mission of God to change the whole world. We will become the "sent ones". Sent to our families, neighbors, people in our state, nation, and all the way around the world. It will be natural to pray, go, and give sacrificially that others may know the same Christ we engage in worship. The needs are great, but our sacrificial giving will not depend on our being convinced of the needs as much as worshipping Him and seeking Him, therefore knowing His heart for missions. Are we there yet? If not us, who? If not now, when?