Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Supreme Weapon

Our church, led by our Senior Pastor, is in our most intense time of emphasis on missions.  We have stated previously that you can't have God's mission apart from worship of God, nor can you have true worship of God without involvement in God's mission.  The Biblical principle is everywhere.  We are seeking to intensify our involvement as a church in His mission by being challenged to pray, go, and give sacrificially to send others who are ready and willing to go.
Our worship is centered for these weeks in emphasis on God's mission.  I often said as a missionary, the question is not will you see to it that God's mission is done.  God will find those who will obey and engage. The question is: do you want to be a part of what our God is doing today to redeem the world?
Dr. T.W. Hunt was both a music ministry and music mission's professor in my seminary days.  He said the following:  " . . . the Biblical purpose of church music still remains hidden from the vision and imagination of far too many Christians.  Its purpose is the glory of its Creator, and that can best be demonstrated in spiritual worship and disciple making . . . Above all, there is need for the supreme weapon:  Prayer." May we use the supreme weapon in both worship and mission! mjm