Entering God's manifest presence in worship will inform us of His purposes in prayer. In Revelation 5:8-9 we find a connection between worship and prayer. Each of the four living creatures and the 24 Elders holds a harp and a bowl of incense. The harps signify worship; the bowls of incense, prayer. Worshippers will become intercessors and intercessors will become worshippers.
We know from Scripture that God wants to form a royal priesthood to reign with Him. As we know, a priest is one who draws near to God offering up sacrifices, and who intercedes on the behalf of others before Him. Those are the two functions of priests. God is busy gathering worshippers and intercessors. Psalm 100:4 states, "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise." And in Isaiah 56:7 we find that we are to be - "a house of prayer for all nations." True worshippers know and experience God's presence; true intercessors know God's purposes. When you put them together, you have Biblical priests.
We again see this relationship between worship and prayer in the book of Psalms. It is both a book of worship songs and prayers. And the prayers were sung. The church is meant to be a singing house of prayer! We are to be worshipping intercessors. It is out of this conviction that we have asked "worshipping prayer warriors" to join our worship leaders in worship and prayer! mjm