Sunday, November 7, 2010

Prayer, the Fire of Anticipation

As we are faithful to pray individually and as we gather together, there comes a sense of anticipation about what God is going to do.  When we are faithful to pray, that anticipation permeates the church to where people gather for corporate worship believing and excited that God is going to move and change lives.  There is also an anticipation of connecting among the body and an expectation that people are going to be reached and discipled and that we will see lives changed as we join with God on His mission.
Henry Blackaby says, "Worship anticipates not only an encounter with God, but also a clear next word from God.  Worship is totally God-centered! God-focused!  Out of worship comes a clearer and more focused relationship of faith and obedience with God.  Worship is God's way of developing character and directing life into His will."
When we meet with God in worship, we come away inspired, encouraged, challenged and chastised -  seeing ourselves as a part of the body formed by God Himself.  So, it is a holy encounter where we pray with expectation therefore, seeing our lives transformed in and through Him!  May I say it again?  Prayer is that which ignites a passion and expectation for the presence and power of God among us!  mjm
