You probably looked at the title and said, "Huh?" I remember one time having my students at the seminary in Zimbabwe take the hymnal, which at that time was unfortunately only translations of American 19th century hymns, and find how many songs were sung directly to God. They couldn't believe it when they came back to class and reported how only a handful were God-ward. I then challenged them to compose hymns and spiritual songs in their own heart and musical language that would bring the gathered body into His presence, focusing on Him rather than on us.
Without realizing it, most of us grew up in the church singing songs that were about God rather than sung to or towards God. We learned a lot about God through those songs but the church was starved for songs that were sung directly to or towards God. When we sing, is the subject God or self? Unfortunately many times the majority are about self. Now, is it possible for the song to be about God and self and still be engaged with God in worship? Of course, but it can be harder if that is all we sing. When we are trying to get our eyes off of us and onto God the song needs to be GOD-songs and not ME-songs. If we take notice in Isaiah 6 and Revelation 5, 7, 15, and 19 the songs are fully GOD-songs, not ME-songs. Isn't that interesting? mjm