Sunday, February 20, 2011

Created for Worship

Books on worship are everywhere today, but most focus on what we have come to know as "worship wars."   There are many churches and denominations who have focused on non-essentials to worship rather than seeing what the whole of scripture has to say.  Much of the discussion is about worship style (robes and choir, or jeans and rock band) or the relationship of worship and evangelism (should our worship be "seeker-friendly" and "non-threatening) or what kinds of music and materials should be used.
We need to remember that the biblical narrative from Genesis through Revelation informs us that there is a battle for worship alright, but it has nothing to do with those things.  The battle for worship lies at the heart of the meaning of the biblical story.  Scripture shows us that worship lies at the heart of our human identity and our mission.  One writer describes four broad uses of the term, worship:  adoration of God; public worship of God's people gathered;  private expressions of devotion by families and individuals; and worship as a whole of life activity.  It is not on the periphery of our existence nor is it confined to one particular place or time.  It is the whole of our existence.  The Bible shows us how interconnected those four broad uses are.  From creation to new creation, the issue is worship, not form and function alone.  May we hunger and thirst after Him in worship without as much concern of how we worship Him.  From Genesis to Revelation to you . . . created to worship.  mjm