Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Music and Musicians - Created to Worship

God delights in all of our different expressions of worship in response to His revelation.  When we recognize that we were created by God for relationship with Him, and that we can enjoy that relationship by God's grace, our reasonable response is our unique expression of worship.  
One of those expressions of worship is through song.  According to 1 and 2 Chronicles we are given God's plan for music and musicians in corporate worship.  As worshippers we need to understand how God desires to use singers, musicians, and worship leaders in the local church.  You can not read the Chronicles carefully and not come away amazed at how seriously God takes the matter of music and musicians.  
God created music and musicians to precede and proclaim His presence, His power, and His Word.  I know from personal experience as a worship leader and musician that on some days when I don't feel like worshipping, worship music leads me into His presence.  
So, let's sing aloud! Let's proclaim God's love, goodness, greatness and His return.  Let us not allow the stones or even the "finest" musicians to worship for us.  God created you and me for worship, and He loves hearing our unique expressions of praise.  mjm