Thursday, February 10, 2011

Be Still and Know . . .

Strangely enough, the weather these past days caused me to focus on the concept given in Psalm 37:7 and Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God".  These days reminded me that there are doing-followers and being-worshippers in Christ and that we will never be effective in our following until we are being.  There are all kinds of worship - celebrative, passionate giving, glorious praise, relishing His Word, and quiet meditation or waiting on the Lord.  Too many times we are scared to death of the latter, but needed in both our private and public worship.
In Psalm 37 we see in the midst of  prosperity, envy, chatter, and fretting that the Psalmist literally says, "Be silent, be still . . . and wait patiently."  Wait for Him.  That is saying to us wait for Him to show Himself.  Wait for Him and God will act.  Is there silence, being still, waiting in our worship for God to act?
Psalm 46:10 challenges us again.  "Be still and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations, and in the earth." In this context we are invited to behold the works of the Lord recited and relived in worship, reaching back to creation and all of human history.  The battles are over; the victory is won. The challenge is directed to those who gather for worship and to all forces seeking to undermine God's reign and rule.  "Be still, and know that I am God!"  Step back from looking for security in anyone other than God who is "exalted among the nations."  He is saying, "Cease trusting in work, productivity and accomplishment. Cease anxiety and worry.  Cease trying to be God.  Cease possessiveness.  Cease enculturation, taking on the values of this world.  Cease humdrum and meaninglessness.  Be still and know that I AM GOD!"  mjm