It is wonderful that the songs of heaven that we know about inform our song in the church for now. Last week we looked at those words, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain . . . " in Revelation 5. Today, we look at the words that go on day and night in Revelation 4, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, Who was . . . and is . . . and is to come."
As our orchestra played "Holy, Holy, Holy" today it was as if we were already around the throne, surrounded by those words. When we see the Lord high and lifted up, those are going to be the words on our hearts and lips. Can you imagine if, during the week, every believer passionately seeks the Lord in private worship, loving Him with our heart, soul, and mind, and then in obedience shares the love of Christ to the lost and ministers to one another? Out of those private worship lives would come "rivers of living water" washing over all those around us, glorifying God in every part of our lives, and the church gathered would not be able to contain the worship on the Lord's Day. O Lord, let it be . . . let it be.
When we remember who He is and what He has done, then our response should be those last words of My Eternal King sung by our choir today. "E'en so I love Thee and will love, and in Thy praise will sing, solely because Thou art My God and my eternal King"!! mjm