We have well established that our worship is primarily for God. Therefore our worship music is to glorify and exalt Him. But secondarily, worship music is also a way to edify the body of believers. It should be a way of grace to bring the body as a whole, and individually, to a point of experiencing God in His fullness and grace. Worship music not only honors and glorifies the Lord, but helps strengthen and sustain the spiritual life of the saints and should unify the saints.
According to scripture, when our worship music is a sacrifice of praise unto God it will at the same time strengthen the believer and make the sinner desire to have fellowship with God. (Psalm 40:3) Our worship music has the power to draw believers into His presence and is an instrument of the Holy Spirit to draw sinners to Christ.
The goal of worship music should be to cause the whole congregation, both sinner and saint, to center their attention and focus upon God. Even though a sinner can't worship, his attention should be drawn to our Lord being worshipped. Psalm 34:8 would indicate that sinners could recognize that believers are "tasting and seeing that the Lord is good".
Our worship music should make all aware that God is holy and He is present in our worship. Psalm 22:3 tells us that God "sits down among" or "dwells in the midst" of praise. He comes to dwell with us that we might know Him intimately. Our worship should focus on Him, not our problems, not our position, not our performance, not our personal tastes. Our full focus and attention should be on worshipping, magnifying, extolling, and honoring the Living Lord. Then, worship music becomes a way to grace. mjm