Why do we talk so much about the presence of God and its importance in worship? Sometimes it is not whether God is present or not, but whether we are in a state of knowing and being aware that God is present among us. I'm afraid many times we come to worship, both private and public, so wrapped up in other things that His presence isn't even a part of our thinking. Sometimes we are distracted because of the messiness of life. Sometimes we are distracted from His presence by sin we are holding on to. Sometimes we are distracted by being unprepared spiritually or as worship leaders; sometimes we have failed to prepare all we need to and we get wrapped up in logistics and stumblings that become distractions.
Why is our preparedness and awareness of His presence important? Remembering and rehearsing in our hearts the redemption we have experienced doesn't happen apart from His presence. Saving grace doesn't happen apart from His presence. Conviction of sin doesn't happen apart from His presence. His glorious praise doesn't happen apart from His presence. His peace that passes all human understanding does not happen apart from His presence. A place of comfort in a crazy world doesn't happen apart from His presence. Broken hearts mended doesn't happen apart from His presence. The Glory of the Lord doesn't happen apart from His presence. Most of all, a sacred meeting with God doesn't happen apart from His presence.
It still grieves me that according to some surveys more than half of church goers say they come to church and never experience the presence of God. Maybe it's because they are church goers and not worshippers. May we be worshippers who enter His presence every day in our private worship time. And may we be worshippers who enter the gathering of God's people every week with a keen awareness and expectation of the glorious manifestation of the presence of God among us! mjm