We usually think of servanthood as serving others outside the walls of the church, which is the last part of our worship, always. We haven't truly worshipped Him authentically unless it blooms into serving and ministering to others. But, servanthood should play a part in the "gathering" as God's people join together for worship. Our pastor shared eloquently this morning on the subject of servanthood, emphasizing our servanthood in the world. But, I want to relate the principle of what he said to the actual gathering of the people of God, for the actual worship gathering or worship service.
We live in a day where there have been "worship wars" in churches of every denomination. Number one - if there is a war there's not much true worship going on. We believers are sometimes so selfish and even prideful when it comes to worship music that it is not even funny, and worst of all not Biblical. A variety is indicated in scripture: "...psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs". And the servant spirit or attitude among the body is indicated in several places, but because of space we will hone in on Rom. 12:10 where it says for the body to "yield to one another" or in other words, "give preference to one another".
Everyone has his own musical taste or preference. There are classical, jazz, southern gospel, country gospel, hymns, the latest contemporary chorus. Now, guess what? There are what I call "musical snobs" in every one of those categories. I have actually had people say to me, "I can't worship unless you do such and such kind of music". I have also had people say, "Well you didn't plan that service for me". Actually, the worship service was planned for Him! We are a multigenerational church. Sometimes even groups of people have a preference, but you would be surprised how many of them cross the lines.
As the Body of Christ, we are to have a servant's heart and yield one to another. Some churches have split their generations up to some extent, by having different kinds of services. But I challenge anyone to find a scriptural basis for dividing up the Body. The family of God is to have family worship.
So let us come to worship; let us gather the Body and yield one to another, oh yes, sing one another's song in praise to the Lord and to edify the body. And that spirit will carry the light of Christ into our daily lives as a servant.