One author has said that church music matters, but that it is not everything. A good word to us musicians. However some don't see that it does matter. Also, some mistake Christian Music for Church Music. They are not the same. They have different purposes and philosophies. God created music for the same purpose He created everything - to glorify Him! Church Music does matter.
We first see in ancient Israel that church music matters. When you read the account in the Old Testament we see how God considers it very serious business. He even called it prophesying, putting the giving of God's musical message right up there with the Major and Minor Prophets.
The detail that God goes into shows us that the temple musicians were set apart for ministry and service to Jehovah God to make music. It was such a serious endeavor that He made sure they were trained by the chief Levite musicians.
Then we see that the curriculum for the Levite's sons was instruction in the songs of the Lord. The Levite School of Musicians did not train in the performance practice of Israel's ungodly neighbors. They taught their sons and the people to sing the songs of Jehovah. We certainly need to follow their example and teach at church through preschool and children's choirs and youth, at home, in Christian Schools, Christian Colleges and Seminaries; teaching them to sing and play the songs that truly honor and glorify God.
Not only must we instruct them in God's songs, we must teach them to know the Lord personally. Not only do we need to pray for them, but we need to teach them to pray and seek the Lord before they choose and perform in the worship of the church.
Finally, (for today) we must constantly remind church musicians that there is a war between the flesh and the Spirit. We must teach that there is a distinct difference between the music of the world and church music. We must remind them that worldly music has never had anything to do with grace. Yes, Church Music Matters in God's plan and purpose. May we be found singing and playing His Song! mjm