On 9-11 we appropriately remember those who were lost and the family and friends directly affected, the First Responders, those who have stood and some who have fallen to protect our freedom in the years hence. We also need to remember on this special day the worship of our God Who providentially brought America to be founded on the principles of His Word by men who looked to Him, depended on Him, and worshipped Him. We need to remember all of those throughout the history of our nation who have given themselves for our freedom and liberty, which is based in the principle of salvation with the freedom and liberty we have through Jesus Christ.
But, on this day of remembrance, God pricked my heart early this morning about an "even this" that we also need to remember on this day. In Matthew 22:37 Jesus says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all you mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." In a very real sense our worship is not complete without our living out the second part of that verse. The question is, "Who is our neighbor?" It is, according to scripture, all peoples, all nations, all people groups. Today, we need to remember . . "even this" that Christ died for ALL men. Jesus got even stronger with these words, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven." We as worshipping believers are compelled by our Savior to pray for our enemies who showed themselves on 9-11. God is making inroads all over our world, using many of our own missionaries to reach and see God's salvation among many of whom would be considered our "enemies". We need to pray and reach out . . . yes, "even this" we need to remember. . . that our worship might be complete, true, and authentic. Blessings! mjm