Saturday, November 19, 2011

Proclaiming the Gospel of the Glory of Christ

In 2 Chronicles the gospel is called the "gospel of the glory of Christ."  In chapter 4, verse 3- 4 Paul says,   ". . . those who are perishing have been blinded by the god of this world keeping them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."  Jesus is . . . " the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature". (Heb. 1:3) 
Everything the Father has accomplished through Jesus was for the glory of the Father.  God's glory is centered in the gospel and we are called to share the gospel and give God the glory due His name.  For anyone or anything to claim God's glory is to invite the wrath of a jealous God.  Isaiah 42:8 says that God will not give His glory to another.  
The very mission of God is to show and proclaim His glory.  As His disciples, this mission is inherently our mission also.  We are to join God on His mission.  Everything in our lives is for the sole purpose of glorifying Him.  I heard of a church whose mission statement is LPLGWW, "Living proof of a loving God to a watching world".  We are ultimately to find our fulfillment in becoming a part of His mission by proclaiming the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, to the glory of the Father.   Soli deo Gloria - to God alone be glory!  mjm