Authentic worship will always include a passion to proclaim the glory of the Lord in the world and within our own personal sphere of influence. In our seeking to glorify God there must be a commitment on our part to glorify God by the proclaiming of His salvation, which becomes the inevitable fruit and culmination of our true worship.
Unfortunately we live in a day where many believers pray more about their own prosperity and their own personal breakthroughs than for the progress of the gospel in God's kingdom. Too many times we become more concerned about what Christianity has for us and how we can be blessed rather than seeking to be involved with God and His kingdom purposes in the world. We live in a day when churches sometimes use the number of buildings and programs as a barometer rather than actual ministry, missions, and evangelism.
When the church becomes full of mature, authentic worshippers of God which He has called us to be, we will become concerned with bearing fruit the world over, proclaiming the glory of God. We need to join together in seeking God and praying that He will ignite a fire among His people. Praying that He will raise up an army of worshippers and followers of Jesus who are completely surrendered to Him and to proclaiming His glory to the ends of the earth through praying, giving, and going. mjm